Middle and High School Enrollment Information
Students who will be entering grade 6 or 9, or who are enrolling new to SJUSD for the following school year, have the opportunity to select a ranked list of preferences for their middle or high school assignment. We have a wide variety of outstanding programs offered at all our middle and high schools. We encourage families to learn about our schools and join us for Middle or High School Information Night.
Watch the Middle School Info Night Webinar Recording here/ Spanish
Watch the High School Info Night Webinar Recording here.
You can find High School Recruitment Videos here.
New middle and high school enrollments for the 2025-26 school year need to be completed by February 14, 2025 to be included in the middle and high school lottery. Enrollments completed after that time will be assigned to their neighborhood school and can request to be placed on another school’s waitlist.
Current 5th and 8th graders will submit their preferences using the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Information will be sent home via ParentSquare on January 17, 2025. The Parent Portal will be open from January 21 - February 14, 2025 for families to submit their preferences. Any preferences received after that date will be assigned to their neighborhood school and can be placed on another school’s waitlist.
You will be notified of your student’s school assignment beginning the week of March 10, 2025.
Families who are unable to submit their selection online should call the Student Assignment Department at 408-535-6232. All requests must be submitted by 5 pm on February 14, 2025.
School Assignment Guidelines
In some cases, the number of students requesting a specific school may exceed the school's programmatic or physical capacity. When that happens, we will redirect students to their second or third preference based on the following priorities, in order of importance:
Students who reside in the school attendance boundary
Students who are requesting a Voluntary Integrative Transfer
Students with a sibling attending the school who will continue to be enrolled the next year
Students whose choice of schools does not satisfy one of the above priorities
If all three school preferences for a student are unavailable, students will be automatically assigned to their neighborhood school or at an overload school and placed on the waitlist for their first preference.