Seal of Biliteracy
The Seal of Biliteracy is a state honor that acknowledges and awards students in grade 12 who have demonstrated proficiency in English and in a language other than English in the areas of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Eligible high school seniors receive a special designation, certificate, and seal on the diploma noting mastery in two or more languages. The recognition is viewed as an asset to further both academic and professional career choices.
The State has defined the criteria by which students may earn this recognition. Students who opt out of the SBAC assessments during grade 11 become ineligible to earn the Seal of Biliteracy.
Each candidate for the Seal of Biliteracy must complete an application and submit to their school contact person. Applications will be reviewed to verify that all criteria have been met. Each school site typically holds a ceremony at the end of the year to celebrate this important achievement. High school seniors are honored with a special graduation cord, an embossed gold seal on the diploma, and certificate.
Parents and students who are interested in learning more should contact their school administrators.
San José Unified Seal of Biliteracy brochure English | Spanish
Learn about the opportunities for elementary and middle school students to earn biliteracy honors.